Petitioning Politicians of All State of Florida & Nationally! This is an epidemic.
Justice for mistreated, physically harmed pets/animals in general
There should be heavy penalties and jail time for first time and repeat offenders causing animals harm. They should be punished and carry a felony record for their entire lives. Registered the same as sex offenders known to the community of whom they are regardless of age. Kids today are violent. Take as an example the Molina teen in Waco, TX, who harmed a neighboring dog brutally with gun shots and fireworks. Then the audacity to post on social media. In addition a hefty fine should be added and made into a law against the posting violent, criminal activity videos online and/or social media. This is a wide spread epidemic. Adults and minors should be held accountable for sick crimes against harming animals with malicious intent! More needs to be done state wide and nationally to pass laws that look into animal abuse crimes seriously. Don't forget that people who harm animals statistically later turn to human life to harm and/or kill. Please! Help! Stop this barbaric act of inhuman acts on defenseless creatures that cannot voice their fears.
Exclusive: Professional and Regulated Beards for the US Navy
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