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Petitioning Alex Gorsky – Johnson & Johnson CEO

Ask Jennifer Aniston to stop advertising with companies that test on animals!

by Kizzie Madsen on September 15, 2016

8.225 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 1.775 supporters

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The photo on the right gives readers of this petition a sense of what is going on behind closed doors in Aveeno laboratories – a company based in the United States, subsidiary of the well-known pharmaceutical and consumer goods brand Johnson & Johnson.

Aveeno sells a large variety of skin care and hair products – but to make them viable for humane use, the company is carrying out primitive and inhumane tests on innocent animals. Forced to endure excruciating pain, the animals are discarded like trash when no longer needed – few of the actually get to survive.

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Given the recent technological progress and the development of non-animal testing methods with remarkable results, I feel that forcing animals to be part of such tests is a total breach of morality and betrays customers that have put all their faith and trust in such products. I would never buy products that have been tested on animals and I encourage readers of this campaign to do so as well.

I have also discovered that Hollywood star Jennifer Aniston – who also happens to be one of my personal favourites – has been advertising with Aveeno several times (see photo on the left). In January 2013, Aniston was actually named as Aveeno spokersperson.

Ms. Aniston certainly might not have known about the tests that Aveeno is conducting, so we must give her the benefit of the doubt. However, as a Hollywood celebrity, she has a duty to protect her impeccable reputation and put it to good use – and it seems somebody in her staff has not been doing the job properly.

I am extremely disappointed to learn that companies such as Aveeno continue to conduct outdated animal testing in the 21st century, a time of remarkable achievements in the era of technology. I am also heartbroken by the fact that Jennifer Aniston has chosen to associate her image with this company, without performing any background checks (unless, of course, Ms. Aniston does indeed support animal testing).

Sign the petition to urge Aveeno to immediately stop hurting animals in the name of beauty and urge Jennifer Aniston to denounce the deal with Aveeno as soon as possible and speak up against animal testing.

Jennifer Aniston advertising for Aveeno #1
Jennifer Aniston advertising for Aveeno #2
Jennifer Aniston advertising for Aveeno #3
Jennifer Aniston advertising for Aveeno #4

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