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Cruel mother that placed family cat in washing machine gets no punishment!

by Richelle Lumpkin on March 29, 2017


TARGET 5.000 SIGNATURES 4.554 supporters

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Petition objective: Impose tougher laws against cruelty to animals in Argentina by ammending the current bill (law no. 14/346) 

The woman pictured on the right took it upon herself to put the family cat in the washing machine, to prove a point to her son about how to properly do the laundry. It all started when the heartless mother was sorting out the clothes that needed to be washed and the family cat was actively showing interest in this activity, she decided to involve the animal even further, by tossing it inside the machine.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

She then started snapping photos of the terrified cat while laughing and uploaded them online, claiming this serves as a valuable lesson to all mothers in the world. She sounded extremely proud of herself; her son also posed for photos with a big smile on his face, extremely excited by this chilling experience.

The photos went viral and the woman, 28-year-old Anabel Ojeda from Mendoza, Argentina, soon started receiving treaths from angry people worldwide. She was forced to take down the photos, but later shut down her profile altogether, in an attempt to escape critics. The photos ended up being one of the most talked about cases in the country’s history. Although authorities received many calls to take action, the woman never received any punishment whatsoever. A group of police officers finally went to do a welfare check at her home and discovered the cat was actually OK, so they decided that no penalty should be applied; even more shockingly, the callous woman was allowed to keep the cat.

Unfortunately, although Argentina has implemented animal welfare laws (law no. 14/346 concerning the protection of animals), they are far too lenient and almost never applied. This case perfectly illustrated the need for tougher laws, but sadly, it is only a drop in the ocean when it comes to cruelty to animals in Argentina. There have been dozens of cases in which perpetrators have been allowed to get away with it (attackers that have filmed themselves pounding dogs with sticks and bottles; monsters dragging their pets behind moving cars with ropes; sick, twisted teenagers placing fireworks in dogs’ mouths – this country has seen everything). What all these cases have in common is the fact that the perpetators have been left off the hook so many times. The suffering of these innocent animals seems to have no limits, yet the savage attackers continue to walk free (in some cases, they are not even charged).

The need for a profound reform concerning animal welfare laws in Argentina has never been more important. Please take action and help push for a meaningful change that will see all animals protected and treated with decency and humanity. We demand mandatory jail time for anyone convicted of harming an animal; we also believe that implementing animal police patrols – troops that would exclusively deal with cases of animal abuse – would be an extremely benefical measure for all the animals of Argentina.

Please speak up for the animals of Argentina by signing and sharing this worthy campaign today!

The terrified kitten begged several times to be let out.
The twisted woman alongside her husband and child.
After a terrible ordeal, the defenseless moggy was finally set free.
A screenshot of the original post on Facebook.

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