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Petitioning Xi Jinping – President of China

Justice for raccoon grilled alive by laughing people in China!

by Tonia Mcclendon on June 05, 2017


TARGET 5.000 SIGNATURES 4.601 supporters

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Most of the readers of this petition might be aware of the Yulin dog meat festival that will soon take place in southern China, where thousands of innocent dogs will be boiled or barbecued alive in an infamous 10-day event.

The world’st most populous country has a thriving dog meat industry and no animal welfare laws whatsoever. Countless dogs are cooked for their meat each year, dragged behind cars, hit with clubs or iron bars, their suffering is hard to describe in words. Cats also have to suffer big time, basically receiving the same treatment like dogs.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

But it is not only cats and dogs that have to suffer from the staggering lack of humanity in China. In a recent video posted online, a helpless raccoon is captured by a group of residents in Sichuan province. Rather than relocate the animal to a safe place (there is no such thing as Animal Control in China who could help with this issue) these heartless monsters decide to barbecue the defenseless creature. They arrange an improvised grill right in the middle of the road, in broad daylight, before gathering around the fire, watching the animal perish. But before being grilled, the animal is made to suffer tremendously. He is placed above the fire several times. The poor animal tries to escape and residents laugh and cheer. After a few minutes of inhumane suffering, there is more to come: the cooks decide the fun is over and tie the raccoon up and hoist him in the fire, leaving him to be grilled alive, as he cries in pain. No one intervenes, they just stand by and do nothing.

Is is how China behaves in the 21st century. This attitude towards animals is outrageous and unacceptable. How much more suffering can the animals of China put up with? 

The need for adopting animal protection laws in China is imperative. The situation of millions of animals is desperate and, without any legislation in place, there is no hope for them.

Please let the Chinese government know that we demand reform as soon as possible. I hope as many activists and compassionate people support this petition to ensure it gets the necessary support before being presented to Chinese officials. Thank you.

China, 2017: Innocent raccoon grilled in the middle on the street by laughing people.
Residents laugh and cheer as their food is being prepared.
China is the world's largest dog meat consumer.
Boycott China until animal welfare laws are adopted!

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