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Petitioning Policia de la Provincia de Santiago del Estero

Prosecute woman that hit dog with a stick in broad daylight!

by Marie Schaeffer on August 19, 2017

2.629 NEEDED

TARGET 5.000 SIGNATURES 2.371 supporters

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Not all of us are supposed to love animals. But to mistreat them and blatantly abuse them on the street, in broad daylight is a completely different story. No one has the right to do this, no matter what the circumstances are!

This was, however, the case of a woman that was filmed pounding her pet dog with a huge stick, even after the animal collapsed to the ground and was unable to stand on his own.

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A startled passer-by took out her mobile phone and recorded the scene, shouting at the woman to leave the dog alone. She didn’t get closer out of fear she might become a victim herself. Even after she had finished her rant, the woman failed to take the dog to a vet, and just left him there in the middle of the street.

Rescuers finally arrived at the scene and the dog was saved and rushed to a vet. Thankfully, the dog, believed to be about 13 years of age, had no fractures, but was completely terrified, as one would expect. He is now out of harm’s way and will continue to recover at one of the rescuer’s home. He has been drinking a lot of water and food will be slowly introduced to his daily menu.

The dog’s owner is Irene Ledesma. She lives in the Bajo de Vertiz neighborhood, in the city of Santiago del Estero, in Argentina.

We, the undersigned, request that this heartless woman faces charges for injuring her dog willingfully. Argentina does have animal welfare laws and we ask that authorities do their job and hold this woman accountable for her unacceptable behavior! All the evidence necessary for building a comprehensive prosecution case is available, there is no excuse for letting this woman walk free.

This is the disturbing moment a woman starts hitting a dog repeatedly with a stick
Witnesses immediately alerted the local authorities
The dog was rescued and is now out of harm's way



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