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Petitioning Hernán Rodolfo Gómez – Fiscal del Elstado de Buenos Aires

Punish cruel boy that hit dog with leash repeatedly!

by Marge Rouse on December 21, 2016

3.202 NEEDED

TARGET 5.000 SIGNATURES 1.798 supporters

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A shocking video showing a boy hitting a stray dog with a leash several times is making the rounds on social media. We need to act fast to ensure that the parents of this heartless child are made aware of this terrible situation and are held accountable for this unspeakable abuse. No dog should suffer in this manner, no matter what the circumstances are. We, as a society, have a duty to protect every creature on this planet – including those without a voice – and must ensure that the future generation is also made aware of this.

The video is short, but very revealing. The stray approaches a group of children that were playing outside their homes, in the municipality of Rafael Castillo, near Buenos Aires, Argentina. One of the children is carrying a rope in his hands and does not hesitate to strike the helpless dog several times. While the attack seemingly lacks force, the intention to hurt the dog is clearly visible and the pooch surely must have been bothered by this.

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A shocked neighbor filmed the scene and went to rescue the dog, who is now safe and out of harm’s way. The witness claims that the family also abuses horses. Several complaints were made to the local police, but nothing has been done up to this point.               

Please ensure that charges are filed in this case, because this cruel boy is likely to strike again unless punishment is applied. His parents must be held accountable for this abuse. We cannot afford to let this incident fly under the radar, because otherwise more innocent animals will end up getting hurt.

The house where the boy lives is situated on Soldado Sosa street, between Terrero and Lavadero streets.

Please take action and voice your support so this dog gets justice!

Video source: https://www.facebook.com/jgabrielbentatuador/videos/1694728597507072/

The boy strikes the dog with a leash several times.
The boy shows no hesitation to hit the pooch.
A woman can be seen passing by, but she does not intervene.

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