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Petitioning Li Keqiang - Premier of the People's Republic of China

Put an end to the barbaric dog fur trade in China!

by Zola Spruill on November 16, 2016

26.036 NEEDED

TARGET 30.000 SIGNATURES 3.964 supporters

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China has slowly made its way to the top and has become the world’s largest exporter of fur. Numerous investigations at Chinese fur farms – the factories where animals are raised specifically for their fur – reveals the inhumane treatment to which thousands of animals are subjected to each day. Workers pounding animal with metal pipes, skinning them while the poor creatures yelp in pain, completely alive and conscious.

China has also become a leading exporter of leather – including dog and cat leather. In Western countries, these animals are highly regarded as valuable family members and cherished companions. In China, they are just another commodity / disposable objects.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

These helpless creatures are loaded in trucks and forced to endure long-haul journeys. They are placed in small cages, with their limbs sticking out, with barely room to breath. When they arrive at their destination, they are thrown off the trucks in the most despicable manner, directly into marketplaces or abattoirs. Dogs and cats routinely end up being skinned alive, as China has no animal welfare laws that require workers to stun or put down the animals first. Employees are doing the best they can to ensure as much suffering as possible is caused.

Dogs and cats used in the leather industry are either strays which are snatched off the street or people’s stolen animals.

Could there be a place worse for animals than China? It is an extremely tough question to answer.

We, the undersigned, hereby strongly condemn the lack of legislation when it comes to animal welfare. We also demand that China makes it illegal for dogs and cats to be used in the meat and leather industry.

We do have a long road until we are able to pursue authorities to take our demands into consideration, therefore I am asking everyone to help make this cause viral and get as many signatures as possible and thus force the Chinese government to adopt the much-needed animal welfare laws that will see millions of innocent dogs and cats benefit from!

This is what a Chinese leather facility looks like. Dogs are repeatedly hit with metal bars, before being skinned alive.
Your favourite purse could be made out of dog skin. These types of products are frequently sold in high-end boutiques in Western countries to unsuspecting customers.
A pair of gloves made out of dog leather.

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