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Petitioning Polícia Civil do Estado do Pará

Rescue starved dog chained to a tree 24/7 by cruel owner!

by Effie Yarbrough on October 10, 2016

7.597 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 2.403 supporters

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I came across this heartbreaking photo on social media. This distressed dog needs our help as soon as possible. Please do not ignore this petition and show your support now. This pet needs all the help we can get.

This helpless animal was chained to a tree and left without food by his owner. Many people have passed by, but ignored the dog’s plight. Witnesses discovered the dog and are doing their best to get him to safety, but because they do not have the owner’s consent, they have had their mission cut short. Removing the dog from the premises constitutes theft and is harshly punished by current laws in Brazil – and this is why the dog is still there.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

The callous owner has refused to feed his dog and has also refused to give up ownership. The poor animals has become nothing but skin and bones. He will die in terrible pain if he is not rescued soon.

Please urge the authorities to take action immediately and bring the dog to safety, in addition to charing the owner with cruelty to animals. What that person did to this dog is absolutely despicable, because no animal deserves to be treated like this, no matter what the circumstances are.

Please help rescue the dog – share the petition and make it go viral.

This is in the city of Belem, in the state of Para, Brazil.

The exact address is (in Portuguese) as follows: Rua da marinha, Mèdice 2 em um trailer Chaplin Birosck.

Do not ignore this message and take action now! Thank you

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=573016616216854&set=o.234747106544793&type=3&theater

The dog is situated in the municipality of Belem, Brazil.

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