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Petitioning Ion Mirescu – Chief of Police, Timis County

Arrest woman that put pet dog in her mouth and posed for photos!

by Claud Duff on December 27, 2016

6.219 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 3.781 supporters

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I am asking every compassionate reader of this text to take swift action so this heartless, ignorant woman can be brought to justice. There is never an excuse for being cruel to animals and I hope from the bottom of my heart she will be held accountable in front of the law.

This shocking picture recently emerged online, it is being shared like crazy. According to the information posted in the original thread, this cruel lady lives in the city of Timisioara, in the western party of Romania (a country known for treating animals poorly). In an attempt to amuse herself, she put her pet dog in her mouth and asked her friends to take a photo of her.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

I am truly shocked and outraged that same people are capable of treating their pets like this! Unfortunately, the original post does not include vital information, such as the woman’s name or  address.

Please support my petition so the local authorities look into this matter and bring this heartless prankster to justice. She needs to be charged and never allowed to have pets again. If you choose to ignore this message, there is a high probability this person will never face the consequences of her actions and more pets could be abused in the future. We simply cannot let this happen!

Demand justice and sign, share the petition widely. Thank you very much for your help on this issue.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/zina.butiuc/posts/1148224268629259 

The photo has been posted on social media and instantly went viral.
The cruel woman is believed to live in Timisoara, Romania.
Demand justice! Sign the petition now!

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