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Petitioning Alok Kumar Verma – New Delhi Police Commissioner

Politician that ran over stray dog with his SUV must be held accountable!

by Ulysses Bellamy on August 24, 2017

2.620 NEEDED

TARGET 5.000 SIGNATURES 2.380 supporters

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This is the video in which a former Resident Welfare Association (RWA) secretary, Mr. Vishnu Sinha deliberately runs over a stray dog.

The poor canine was sleeping in the middle of a New Delhi street as the politician turned the cover in his luxurious SUV-type vehicle. There is no way the driver would not have spotted the dog. In spite this, Mr. Sinha chooses to press on the gas pedal nonchalantly. The dog is caught underneath. The politicians stops the car and backs a bit, in order to hit the dog yet again.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

The appalling video shows how the dog is screaming in pain, trying to escape. After a few moments of agony, the canine manages to escape and runs away as quickly as possible. It appears to have not sustained major injuries. Despite hitting the dog, the politician never looked back and drove off like nothing was wrong.

Every person with a conscious would have gotten out of the car and check of the victim. Mr. Sinha, who operated as RWA secretary of Sheikh Sarai Phase in New Delhi, India, did no such thing, which speaks volumes about his unlawful and despicable character.

Please take action and do not let these actions go unpunished.

This heartless person must be punished. There is no excuse for not taking action, especially because the incident was caught on CCTV camera and authorities have all the evidence they need.

No one is above the law and punishment must be applied now!

It would have been impossible for the driver not to see the canine, who was napping in the middle of the street. Honking the horn would have been more than enough to get the dog to move away and clear the road.
The dog is caught beneath the car in a matter of split seconds
The dog howls in pain as he tries to escape. The incident was caught on a CCTV camera installed in the area.



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