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Petitioning Office of the District Attorney – Harris County, Texas; Charles McClelland – Houston Police Department Chief

Justice For Bonita - heartless people placed fireworks in her mouth!

by Zak Lipscomb on January 09, 2017

274.078 NEEDED

TARGET 500.000 SIGNATURES 225.922 supporters

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The shocking incident has now gone viral over all social networks. Please join the official campaign to bring justice for this helpless dog that fell innocent victim to a group of lowlives who thought it would be funny to mistreat her in this inhumane way.

This dog was found wandering the streets of Houson, Texas in dreadful condition. Blood was dripping from all over her mouth, her jaw was ripped apart and both of her eyes had popped out.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

The photographs and initial Facebook posts belong to Martha Vasquez, the woman that discovered the dog. She alerted every institution to come and rescue the dog as soon as possible.

Her message did not go without a powerful echo. Local rescuers arrived immediately and rushed the dog, dubbed Bonita, to a veterinarian, but it was too late to save her. All there could be done is have this sweet angel put to sleep, so all her suffering could come to an end.

Her lifeless body was transferred to the Houston Humane Society where it was confirmed she was not shot. Vets are now working under the assumption that some sick people placed a fireworks in the dog’s mouth and set them off. The end result of this despicable and cowardly attack against an innocent dog can be seen in the photos above.

No other information about this case has been disclosed yet. The HHS will undergo further investigation in the next few days to find out more about the circumstances in which the attack took place.

Please take action and demand justice for Bonita! The heartless subhumans responsible must be brought to justice by all means! The city of Houston is not safe with such lunatics running free on the street!

SIGN and SHARE the petition – make this cause go viral in Bonita’s memory! We owe it to her to be her voice so please do not hesitate to take action.

Bonita was found badly injured on the streets of Houston, Texas.
Sadly, Bonita succumbed to her injuries and passed away.

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