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Petitioning The President of China – Xi Jinping

China: Stolen pet dog has limbs cut off before being skinned alive! Take Action Now!

by Shantel Stratton on October 06, 2016

45.183 NEEDED

TARGET 50.000 SIGNATURES 4.817 supporters

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It was a chilly November day when MaoMao, a beloved pet and precious family member, was snatched away from her beloved owners by heartless dog vendors. The very same day, this gentle creature was sold to a restaurant owner for her meat.

MaoMao had given birth to a litter of puppies just 40 days before. A proud and responsible mother, she was keen on returning to her babies as soon as possible.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

But none of this impressed the heartless restaurant worker, who quickly went to work and inflicted tremendous suffering on this innocent creature. As the photo above shows, this is what MaoMao had to go through until her ultimate demise.

MaoMao had all of her four legs cut off while she was fully conscious. No anaesthetic, no nothing, just pure and excruciating pain. After that, the worker proceeded to skin her alive, before cooking MaoMao and serving her as a delicacy in the restaurant.

Reports indicate that numerous passers-by saw MaoMao but nobody intervened. Finally, a compassionate person stopped and offered the restaurant worker money to save the poor soul, but the man turned down the kind offer.

It was with a fully broken heart when MaoMao’s owner learned what had happened.

Since then, thousands of dog owners have gone through the same nightmare. After all MaoMao went through, still nothing has changed in China.

Reports surfaced that during the Yulin festival many of the dogs cooked had collars on them. Which means that somebody was waiting for them home; instead, they ended up on somebody’s plate.

It is high time the inhumane treatment of dogs in China comes to an end. Together we need to make a push to ban dog meat once and for all.

Show your support to this campaign and let Chinese authorities know that we shall no longer condone such behavior towards man’s best friend. The people of China have the right to own a pet dog – just like every citizen of a civilized country can. Due to the zippy dog meat trade, this is almost impossible in China at the moment.

Help ban dog meat in China – take a stand today. It all starts with one click, so please sign below!

China: Dog boiled alive for village party.
Dogs boiled alive ahead of the Yulin dog meat festival which takes place in each year in June.
The image of dogs being burned and cooked can be seen in almost every food market in China.
China: Dogs skinned alive in public.

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