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Petitioning Mauricio Macri – President of Argentina

Dog battered in the head gets no justice! Sign The Petition!

by Martie Bingham on October 05, 2016

47.061 NEEDED

TARGET 50.000 SIGNATURES 2.939 supporters

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A couple of videos that depict the shocking abuse of a stray dog have come to light on social media.

The first video shows how a masked man approaches a stray dog that was peacefully sleeping in what looks to be an abandoned home and starts poking the stray with a bladed object. The abuse goes on for about two minutes, until the attacker decides to take a break. Shortly after the first video, another footage was posted. The same attacker, this time wearing a sock on his face, is seen grabbing a bottle and approaching the dog yet again. Without hesitating one moment, the callous man starts smashing the bottle in the dog’s head, as the defenseless animal yelps in pain. At one point, the pooch is knocked unconscious – and this is where the video end, with no indication if the dog actually survived the attack or not.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

The disturbing scenes unfolded in the city of Cordoba, Argentina and the two perpetrators (the actual attacker and his buddy who filmed the scenes and did nothing) were quickly identified with the help of social media and brought into custody. However, they were only let off with a warning and a small fine.

Penalties for cruelty to animals in Argentina are very mild – according to law 14 346 (also known as the ‘Sarmiento’ law) anyone found guilty of abusing / hurting an animal can receive a jail term between 15 days and one year. However, jail penalties are only theoretical, as almost no one has been handed out such a penalty for animal abuse.

It is clear that laws need to be change so harsher penalties come into force. Too many animals have been neglected and abused and the people responsible have failed to be held accountable for their actions.

This petition is not just about the dog in the above photos, it is about all the abused in Argentina. Be their voice and urge lawmakers to take their welfare into consideration and adopt harsher animal rights laws, with mandatory jail time.

Below you will find a few disturbing cases that perfectly illustrate the need for Argentin to adopt tougher animal rights laws. Please support the petition - sign and share it now so the signature target can be achieved as soon as possible.

Argentina: 27 dogs hung by a fence get no justice.
Argentina: Men that ran over stray dog happily pose for photos afterwards. No punishment applied.
Argentina: Taxi driver drags dog behind vehicle. Justice is not served.
Argentina: Teenage girls that put fireworks in dog's mouth escape unpunished.

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