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Petitioning Sherif Ismail – The Prime Minister of Egypt

Gentle dog that had both eyes poked out gets no justice! Take Action Now!

by Sydney Berman on February 06, 2017

2.179 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 7.821 supporters

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The following case, which took place in Alexandria, Egypt, is truly heartbreaking. This beautiful dog had both eyes poked out by some thugs and was left without his sight. He was tossed in the street without remorse and virtually left to die. Unable to see, with his eyes bleeding, this helpless dog had no food and water for more than a week. No one bothered to notice the wounded dog.

Eight days later a compassionate woman spotted the German Shepherd and did not hesitate to offer assistance. The kind woman called for help and the canine was taken to the Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals (ESMA). The dog, dubbed Shai, was later shipped to the United States for treatment. He has since been adopted, but will never be able to see again. His attackers were never caught and brought to justice for the suffering they have caused.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

This is just one of the heartbreaking stories that occur in Egypt on a daily basis. Shai is one of the fortunate cases; many other dogs are not lucky enough to survive and be rescued.

With extremely lenient animal protection laws, it is basically an open invitation for people to abuse animals. Article 357 stipulates that if the life of an animal is ended with no justification, the perpetrator could face a prison term of up to six months and a LE 200 ($25) fine. This is if they are ever caught, which, almost everytime, does not happen. In reality, the attackers get away with it and get to harm innocent animals anytime they please.

On many occasions, authorities themselves are the ones abusing animals: the government has initiated numerous campaigns to get rid of stray dogs (which are considered a menace) using all sorts of inhumane methods such as poisoning.

The situation in Egypt cannot be tolerated anymore. A comprehensive animal welfare reform needs to get underway in the country as soon as possible. We, the undersigned, hereby urge the government to consider implementing tougher animal welfare laws, initiate spay-and-neuter campaigns to control the stray dog population, build shelters to house the street animals and set up animal police squads to patrol the streets of major cities and assist the animals in need.

We strongly feel the above-mentioned measures would have a highly benefical impact on the Egyptian society and will help decrease the high level of abuse towards animals.

Egypt 2017: Mother dog shot in front of her babies, no justice served.
Pregnant dog attacked with rocks and sticks, no punishment applied.
Dog poisoning campaigns are routinely carried out by the authorities.

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