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Justice for Hachi and Pancho, dogs tossed in the garbage truck by their owner!

by Marlin Mcarthur on February 18, 2017

17.969 NEEDED

TARGET 30.000 SIGNATURES 12.031 supporters

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This truly revolting and heartbreaking photo was captured in the Ticomán neighborhood in Mexico City. Unfortunately, animal abuse in turning out to be a familiar sight for residents of this city.

A heartless owner decided she did not want to keep her two pet dogs anymore and spoke with garbage disposal workers to get rid of their dogs. The workers eventually stuffed the harmless creatures in the back of their truck (license plates 56-19-CJ) before going back to work as nothing wrong had happened.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

Startled witnesses took photos of the incident and posted them online, calling for justice. As previously mentioned, this is not a singular incident: earlier this year, a video showing a group of waste disposal workers throwing live dogs in the back of their trucks was published online. Although there has been a lot of anger regarding this upsetting incident, no punishment has been applied.

It is absolutely shocking to discover that these public servants have no respect whatsoever for the lives of these animals. These are just a few of the long list of attacks carried out against the strays of Mexico City. Dozens of helpless souls are left on the streets to fend for themselves. Finding food and water is a daily struggle for them. As if their situation was not bad enough, they are also being constantly abused and mistreated by residents, who only regard them as nuisances and vermin.

Mundo Patito, a local animal welfare group, has been calling for a profound reform of the city’s animal welfare system and the way authorities are dealing with the problem of stray dogs, but their calls for action have been constantly ignored by city officials.

Please help provide a better life for Mexico City’s street animals. They certainly deserve much more than this. How would you feel if someone tossed into in a garbage truck and forced you to sit there for days? This is a small drop in the ocean of what these poor souls are going through on a daily basis. Urge Mexico City officials to take this matter seriously and stop ignoring animal welfare!

PS. Volunteers with the Mundo Patito organization learned about this case on social media and were successful in tracking down the neglected dogs and rescued them. The playful canines, named Hachi and Pancho, are now in the safe hands of the volunteers and are receiving the best medical care available. The dogs’ owner has also been identified as Alejandra Gonzalez. She claims she threw the dogs away only because the truck drivers had told her so. Unfortunately, due to the lenient animal welfare laws in Mexico, it is highly unlikely she will face any charges, which is just as outrageous as the cruelty itself.

The dogs were tossed in the garbage truck.
The garbage disposal workers placed the dogs in the back of the truck and went to work as if nothing had happened.
Hachi and Pancho were rescued and are now out of harm's way.

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