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Petitioning Supreme court of india

Justice for leopard mercilessly terminated by crowd in India - November 2016!

by Charu Goel on November 25, 2016

48.848 NEEDED

TARGET 50.000 SIGNATURES 1.152 supporters

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Another shocking incident concerning a defenseless leopard has unfolded in India. 

It all started when the leopard stormed into the Mandawar village located in the state of Gurgaon. While some residents were quick to run away and made it out of there alive, nine people lost their lives. Villagers returned and started hitting the animal with clubs, before dragging the lifeless body around the village and celebrating the victory. Estimates point out that as many as 1, 500 residents took part in the savage attack. The leopard did not stand a chance for survival.

This is just the latest similar incident to strike India, with dozens of leopards losing their lives amid interaction with humans. It is obvious that more needs to be done to protect the leopards. Their natural habitat has been decreasing significantly over the past years and basically these animals have no where to go. Erratic building, too close to woods where these animals usually live, is another cause for the problem. 

Unfortunately, there are no proper protocols to deal with these situations and wildlife officials often end up arriving the scene too late.

A deep, meaningful wildlife reform needs to be initiated because these animals deserve better. They have just as many rights to inhabit India like we humans do!

Demand that the authorities implement a humane plan to deal with these situations and help end loss of life!  There must be animal reserves, forests, natural habitats for animals, rampant  urbanization must be stopped. There should be stringent laws to protect animals from cruel people. Earth belongs equally to animals.

Video of the attack (warning, strong content)


Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!
Angry villagers attack the leopard with full force.
The leopard puts up a brief fight, before being captured.
The leopard's lifeless body is later paraded through the village.
Take action now and make India a better place for wild animals!

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