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Petitioning Horacio Rodríguez Larreta – Chefe del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Kitten that has both eyes poked out by cruel thugs gets no justice!

by Pansy Caron on January 18, 2017

7.604 NEEDED

TARGET 50.000 SIGNATURES 42.396 supporters

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This severely injured cat was discovered on the streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Many people passed nearby, yet no one bothered to stop. Guillermo, a man with a huge heart, saw the helpless cat and decided to help.

He grabbed the cat and immediately took the poor animal to a veterinarian. Guillermo reported on his social media account that despite the nasty suffering this moggy had endured, the cat was gentle and very easy to handle. Vets determined that there was no way the cat would be able to regain sight. The animal underwent surgery to have both eyes removed and Guillermo agreed to pay all the expenses – simply because he loves animals. He took the cat home and has been taking care of it every since.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

Just look at the terrible images. This is what routinely happenes on the streets of Buenos Aires. There are literally hundreds of such incidents in which innocent animals fall victims. Every caring and compassionate person that walks near a stray cat would think about petting or feeding it. There are some monsters that decided it would be more entertaining to poke its eyes out and literally leave them out of their sockets.

In spite of the shockingly high rate of abuse towards animals, these cases are rarely investigated and, far too often, attackers end up walking free.

Police in Buenos Aires is overwhelmed with other cases that are considered  more important and so few of these vile perpetrators that take a thrill out of attacking innocent animals are brought to justice.

This petition is directed to the local authorities Buenos Aires asking them to take animal welfare seriously once and for all! We, the undersigned, demand that special Animal Police patrols are deployed in the city and these officers receive a mandate to exclusively deal with the protection of the animals within city limits.

Such teams of police officers would be able to track down the perpetrators and bring them to justice much faster than the process is carried out today. Furthermore, the lives of many animals that are dumped on the street and ignored by citizens passing by could be saved.

We sincerely hope these much-needed animal police squads come into force as soon as possible, because the animals in Buenos Aires have suffered too much and little justice has been achieved thus far!

The cat was rescued from the streets of Buenos Aires in terrible condition.
Guillermo, the kind man that decided to help the cat without hesitation
The cat underwent surgery to have both eyes removed.

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