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Petitioning Jefatura de Policia de Canelones

Justice For Dina – dog skinned alive and left to die on the streets!

by Gilbert Herrmann on February 15, 2017

2.976 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 7.024 supporters

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This is Dina’s tragic story. This harmless dog was viciously attacked and left to die on the streets of Canelones, in Uruguay. This stray canine was skinned alive and tossed away, left to suffer in unimaginable pain.

Luckily, a group of concerned people spotted her and rushed her to the hospital. The dog, dubbed Dina, arrived at the vet’s office in terrible condition – her state of health had left vets stratching their heads as to who might be capable of doing this.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

Although some witnesses claim that Dina had gotten herself tangled up by accident to the back of a car (and her fur had been literally ripped from her once the vehicle was in motion) the vets concluded this was an intentional act of cruelty. Vets are hoping to save Dina’s life and are working round the clock to do just that. Dina is now on heavy medication such as painkillers and anti-biotics in order to prevent further infections. The biggest challenge is to keep her in a sterile environment for as long as possible.

Please sign my petition and help bring justice to this sweet angel. The lawless monsters responsible for this attack are still out there. They must be apprehended and brought to justice by all means.

Sign and share the petition and support a full investigation into this matter. Dina deserves all the justice in the world and we owe it to her to make the people responsible pay!

Dina was discovered on the streets of Canelones, in southern Uruguay.
She had been skinned alive and was barely alive.
Help bring Dina's attackers to justice! Sign the petition!

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