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Petitioning Trần Đại Quang – President of Vietnam

Laughing women offer puppy for sale to be cooked alive! Ban dog meat in Vietnam!

by Cristopher Trimble on July 04, 2017

3.422 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 6.578 supporters

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The sellers in the photo – two ruthless women – are smiling proudly as they are offering a little puppy for sale. Instead of becoming someone’s best friend, this poor fellow will end up on a dinner plate. This beautiful creature will experience so much pain and suffer, it is impossible for me to describe. It is sad and truly heartbreaking.

The dog meat trade of  Vietnam has developed significantly over the past years – dog meat can nowadays be found in all major public markets, in numerous restaurants (particularly near Hanoi, the capital city) and even in improvised stalls on the side of the road

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

Besides the obvious health risks to humans (diseases such as ecoli or rabies are widely spread in the country), eating man’s best friend poses a significant moral challenge. Dogs are pets, they make wonderful companions, they are truly our friends, not food!

If you believe the image above is shocking and disgraceful, please join the campaign. If you believe dogs are family, not food, please ask the authorities of South Korea to impose a complete ban on dog meat.

Help end the suffering and agony for millions of innocent dogs in Korea. This is not what they signed up for when they arrived in this heartless world. This is not their meaning on this planet!

Help make a difference and shut down the vile dog meat industry in Vietnam, which is a plague for this entire great nation.

Seven tonnes of live dogs are shipped to Hanoi each day
Many dogs involved in this ruthless meat trade are stolen pets
Dog meat is currently legal in Vietnam
Over 5 million dogs are cooked each year in Vietnam.

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this petition are those of the author (Cristopher Trimble) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of DailyPetition.com or any of its affiliates.