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Petitioning Narendra Modi – Prime Minister of India

Pet dog chained outside and left to starve to death gets no justice! Will you be his voice?

by Harris Sosa on September 30, 2016

7.321 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 2.679 supporters

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Shravan Krishan is the founder of the animal shelter ‘Hotel for Dogs’ situated in Chennai, India. He is doing a tremendous job helping the voiceless in need. Recently, Mr. Krishnan received a call about a severely emaciated Great Dane dog, that was abandoned on the streets in Royapuran, wrapped around a heavy chain. Nothing would prepare Krishnan for the terrible encounter with the dog – who was nothing but skin and bones and could not even stand on his feet.

Krishnan and his team were quick to transport the animal to the hospital, but it was too late. As a result of starvation and dehydration, the dog sadly passed away during transportation.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

Krishnan took to Facebook to post this emotional message related to this heartbreaking case:

‘I don’t know your name. I don’t know your age. I don’t know who abandoned you. I have no knowledge of your history. I’m sorry that I couldn’t save you and hope you’re in a better place now.

Abandoning your dog is the biggest betrayal you could ever do. At least try and leave him at a shelter or seek help from someone. Don’t leave your dog on the road and let him die of starvation and dehydration.

This is not how a life should end’

Unfortunately, cruelty to animals is rampant in India and this sad case is part of the recent similar cases that have occurred in the country. For instance, among the cases that have made the headlines in the international press is the video showing two medical students throwing a dog from a rooftop building; in another shocking case, a group of children filmed themselves while setting three little puppies on fire in Hyderabad. Last but not least, a politician was caught on camera viciously hitting a police horse during a public protest. The horse lost his foot amid the attack and eventually passed away a few weeks later.

As well as the other neglected animals, this Great Dane will receive no justice, because penalties for cruelty to animals in India are nothing short of a joke. According to India’s Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (which was adopted in 1960 and has not been updated since), the maximum penalty that can be imposed in such cases in only 50 rupees – the equivalent of 75 US cents.

The time for India to adopt harsher penalties for those who abuse animals has come. Please show your support to ensure the government of India takes this matter seriously and tougher laws come into force – for the love of all our beloved animals in India.

Please sign and share the petition and be a voice for those in need. Thank you.

Source: http://petrescuereport.com/2016/viral-photo-starved-great-dane-shows-cruelty-india/

The shocking moment a dog is tossed off a rooftoop building by a MD student.
Teens film themselves setting three puppies on fire.
Politician hits horse several times during public protest. The animal eventually passed away.
Hyderabad man filmed callously attacking stray animals. Several dogs were shot, but no punishment was applied.

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