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Petitioning Thomas Bach – President of the International Olympic Committee

Prevent China from hosting another edition of the Olympic Games!

by Cedric Parr on September 09, 2016

6.967 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 3.033 supporters

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Back in 2013, the Chinese Olympic Committee nomited Beijing as the candidate city for the 2022 Winter Olympics. The International Olympics Committee (IOC) decided that China’s bid was successful at the 128th IOC conference in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia on July 31, 2015. This has made Beijing the first city in the world to host both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.

The International Olympic Committee seems to have been ignoring the tremendous animal suffering and has chosen to hand over this extraordinary privilege of being a host nation to the Chinese either way.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

It is important to get this message out and get as much attention as possible on the issue of animal rights in China. This week has marked the beginning of the Yulin dog festival, a terrible and inhumane event that sees over 5, 000 cats and dogs pounded with sticks, boiled or skinned alive for their meat. The Chinese believe that the more pain the dogs feel, the tastier the meat is. In spite of numerous protests, it was business as usual in Yulin, after the local government has refused to intervene yet again to stop this abhorrent gathering of dog meat lovers.

However, treating animals savagely does not happen just for a week, during the Yulin festival, but rather takes all year round all over China. Over 50, 000 dogs are victims of the dog meat trade each day – put down in the most vicious possible way;  others are simply mistreated severely for various other reasons, sometimes by authorities themselves. Many regard dogs and cats as a ‘vermin’ to society, creatures that have no place on Earth and need to be eliminated. These shocking images of police chasing street dogs and pounding them with shovels because of fear they might carry rabies can’t be erased from my head (please notice that authorities are fearing rabies, yet dog meat consumption – the main source of transmitting rabies to humans, is legal, which only comes to show the hypocrisy of the Chinese society).

What is even more troubling is the fact that the Chinese government has repeatedly refused to take a stand against this inhumanity. China will never become a true super power if it cannot treat all its residents – including animals – in a humane and decent way.

Hosting the Olympics in a country that is capable of so much cruelty against defenseless animals is wrong and highly unethical, because the Olympic spirit is all about promoting kindness, peace and compassion, key ingredients that China is lacking. There is simply no basis for awarding Beijing the stark privilege to host the Winter Olympic Games.

Please share and make this go viral. I will personally boycott any edition of the Olympics that is held in a dog eating nation or in a place where there are absolutely no animal protection laws and I encourage everyone to do the same.

Please let the International Olympic Committee now how disappointed you are in the decision to award China the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games and inform them we will not be taking part in this event in any way unless the Games are moved to another country.

Thank you for caring for the dogs and cats of China.

Logo of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.
Over 50, 000 dogs are cooked for their meat each day (this image was taken at the Yulin dog meat festival)
Dogs held in cages before being cooked for their meat.
Dog being pounded with shovels by local police because it is believed to carry rabies.

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