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Petitioning Medical Council of India; Superintendent of Police of Vellore – P.K. Senthil Kumari

India: Punish medical students who beat up monkey and buried it for fun!

by Marlon Johnston on November 25, 2016

5.477 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 4.523 supporters

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A shocking incident has unfolded on the premises of the Christian Medical College in Vellore, India, which is regarded as one of the most prestigious universities in the country. The body of a monkey was discovered buried on campus – the defenseless female animal, believed to be just one year old, was viciously mistreated by four medical students right on campus.

It all started when the monkey entered the college hostel; disturbed that the monkey had the audacity to bother them, four medical students decided to teach the defenseless creature a lesson. They trapped the terrified animal with a blanket, tied her up and started hitted her with sticks, before lodging a stick behind her back. They later took the lifeless body and buried it somewhere behind the college hostel. Reports indicate that as many as 30 people witnessed the scene; it is unclear why no one intervened.

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The word about this terrible incident got out immediately and animal rights activists arrived at the scene to investigate. Dinesh Baba, Nishanth Nichu, Shravan Krishnan and Antony Rubin, the team of activists that responded to the tips, exhumed the body of the animal that was found behind the boy’s hostel.

Conclusions of the post mortem investigation were nothing short of appalling: ‘The medical reports indicate that the monkey’s hands and legs were tied up with a phone wire. Her knee, neck and ankle were all severely fractured, indicating she had been stomped on multiple times. Probably the worst part is that were we found a sharp object that was lodged in her back and came out from the front’.

The monkey that was put down without mercy belonged to the Bonnet Macaque species and is considered protected species under Indian laws.

The authors of this inhumane act have been identified as Jasper Samuel Sahoo, Rohit Kumar Yenukotti, Arun Loui Sasi Kumar and Alex Chekalayil. Two of them are pictured above; the others deleted all their social media profiles and could no longer be traced. The university immediately suspended the four students after an internal preliminary investigation.

While we, the undersigned, appreciate the quick response from university officials, the punishment is certainly not enough and we hereto demand true justice. Their actions are a clear breach of various sections of the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 and we demand that the law is applied to the fullest as soon as possible. In addition, in light of their recent actions, it has become obvious that these ruthless people should never be allowed to obtain a medical license, therefore we demand the four perpetrators are never allowed to be enrolled in an Indian medical university again.

Please sign the petition to ensure these monsters are strictly punished and true justice is achieved. Do not let them get away with a slap on the wrist!

News Source: http://bit.ly/2gGqvv1

The monkey was tied up and stomped on repeatedly.
The animal was a female and was believed to be just one year old.
The students later buried the monkey on campus premises.

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