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Petitioning Mehmet Sekmen – Mayor of Erzurum

Prosecute man that tossed dog off bridge while laughing!

by Nick Wilkins on August 30, 2017

2.388 NEEDED

TARGET 5.000 SIGNATURES 2.612 supporters

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A group of witnesses reported that the dog was initially pounded repeatedly by local traders, who were upset that the dog was causing problems.

A man was later filmed picking up the dog and throwing the defenseless creature off a tall bridge in an attempt to get rid of the animal for good. Sign and share to demand justice!

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

The upsetting moment a man was captured on video grabbing a severely injured dog by his legs and throwing the animal off a bridge, while a pack of heartbroken canines stand helplessly and watch.

Witnesses report that the stray dog was initially pounded by a group of local traders who claimed that the pooch was snatching food and was a general nuisance. They proceeded to teaching the dog a lesson he would never forget. But the animal was still alive when he was left to perish near the bridge. The man in the video just wanted to make sure the dog will never cause problems again. After doing this unimaginable and despicable act, the vicious coward walked away like nothing was wrong. A witness went down to check on the dog. The poor animal was no longer alive. The image of the lifeless dog will haunt me forever! The video is believed to have been taken in the Oltu part of the city of Erzurum, in Turkey’s Anatolia region.

Unfortunately, this is hardly the first similar incident coming from Turkey. I have seen the situation of the stray dogs in Istanbul. They are left to wander helplessly, searching for food all by themselves. They are prone to neglect and abuse from all sorts of people who find it amusing to tackle these helpless animals. Such incidents are never investigated by police: animal welfare laws are simply not tight enough. The animal shelters in Turkey are a disaster – they lack even the most basic conditions for dogs to live in. Kennels are extremely dirty, there is little food and water and virtually no medical attention. In other countries, shelters bring hope to animals. In Turkey, they make it even more depressing. I also remember the case of a Turkish solider that was caught on camera stomping on a dog repeatedly for the sheer sake of it. The video went viral and after intense pressure, that soldier was dismissed from all duties. It was a small victory for the animals in Turkey.

Like the rest of the country, Erzurum is not doing any better as far as animal welfare is concerned. The local authorities have done nothing to resolve the situation of strays, which has allowed such types of incidents to flourish. I fully agree that dogs do not belong on the streets, but I certainly do not approve of the methods used by these traders to take matters into their own hands.

We must apply pressure and ask the local authorities to implement spay and neuter campaigns as well as fund the construction of modern shelters that can be home to these troubled creatures. Failure to act will mean that more and more dogs will continue to reproduce in high numbers, which will lead to even more strays!

Needless to say that as soon as the video was surfaced on social media it went viral and has caused massive outrage.

Many people are watching the situation in Erzurum and hope for a change, for the sake of those dogs!

Please sign and share and demand a better life for the strays of Erzurum. Do not let them down when they need us most!

This is the appalling moment the dog is tossed off a bridge
The dog was mistreated for being considered a nuisance.
The attacker then marches down the street without even looking back

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