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Petitioning Ask our legislators and government to impose a law that will stop the euthanization of thousands of healthy, adoptable shelter pets.


by Mary Davidson on September 15, 2016

99.909 NEEDED

TARGET 100.000 SIGNATURES 91 supporters

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Some 10, 000 shelter Pets are "unnecessarily euthanized" each in everyday. This is a process done in shelters nationwide. Most all of these facilities are putting down completely healthy, adoptable animals that should be given the chance to find a forever homes. Some shelters euthanize certain breeds of animals within hours of being brought in. Many shelters have a hold time of 24-48 hours, before the animal is placed on a cold table or floor and injected with medication that stops their heart. There are several shelters in United States that still use the form of euthanasia called the "Heart-Stick". This is a very painful and violent process if not done properly (which happens often. You must consider that many of these shelter workers are making minimum wage and are given little to no training. This is a recipe for disaster! These precious, living, breathing animals are forced to endure careless, painful deaths, while their bodies are drug down the hauls and disposed of.

This is an issue that should've been addressed by our government and legislators many years ago. Laws should be put into place, that "no healthy, adoptable animal" should EVER be euthanized. Legislators should also ensure that the process of euthanasia should only be carried out by a licensed professional that is trained in the field of putting animals to sleep. There also needs to be laws placed on euthanizing animals who they have deemed "dangerous or aggressive". Sometimes animals have been mistreated or are just really scared; therefore,  immediately giving an animal a death sentence due their demeanor should not left up to untrained shelter workers. Another issue with this that animals are sometimes submitted by their owners based on the lie that they are aggressive. Owners will do this, because it makes them not look so bad for turning in their healthy, loving pet.

I strongly believe that 100, 000 signatures will be enough to address legislators nationwide. I understand that this issue has been a longtime situation which has seen little to no progress; we hope to change this. We have great hope that our voices and signatures will bring us one step closer to making a difference for animals worldwide. Miracles do happen, but sometimes we have to give those miracles a little push. These voiceless, precious souls depend on us humans to do the things they cannot.

Just think, as your sitting comfortably in your homes, hundreds and thousands of animals worldwide are being euthanized for absolutely no reason at all, except that their taking up space. It's hard to imagine that a place cannot be found for each and every animal in need. Putting an animal down to make space is certainty no excuse!! There is always room for another loving companion. Who are they to decide it's these animals time to go? What gives them the right to take an animals life away? Currently, the law is what gives them the right and that is what we are here to change!!

Once reaching 100, 000 signatures, I will submit this petition to as many legislators and law makers nationwide!!


Thank you so much & God Bless You All!!

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