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Petitioning Hun Sen – Prime Minister of Cambodia

Stop dogs from being boiled alive for their meat and leather!

by Lyndon Greene on August 29, 2016

37.080 NEEDED

TARGET 40.000 SIGNATURES 2.920 supporters

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A video uploaded on LiveLeak social media platform shows showing a group of workers preparing dogs for their meat and leather.

The upsetting video comes to show the extent of the dog meat and dog leather industry in Cambodia. The people in the video are cleaning the dogs and doing the work they are paid to do on the side of the road, in the open air, in broad daylight, for everyone to see. Even when they are filmed, they make no opposition and even wave with a smile at the camera man!

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

The video is about one minute long, but is totally heart-wrenching. Please watch at your own risk. You will find a trader that is boiling a dog in a big pot and another one that is washing a lifeless dog’s skin.

Many of the dogs involved in this trade are stolen. They are people’s cherished companions and end up being snatched in their own backyard. Their beloved owners will never get to see them again – by the tiem they visit the local market dedicated to dogs, their best friends have already transformed into a juicy steak or a big leather cloth.

The problem of using dogs for their meat and leather is highly sensitive in Cambodia right now. A large part of the population argue that since cows, pigs and chicken are frequently consumed, they see no problem in eating dogs as well; on the other hand, some claim that dogs have never been meant to be used as food, but rather to be domesticated and kept as pets and therefore should be protected from these vile traders.

As things stand now, Cambodia has no animal protection laws and there is basically no entity to offer protection to pets in the country. As we speak, traders are making the rules in the market. They are paid on commission – so it is in their best interes to procure as many dogs as they can for meat and leather. There are fairly many of them and pretty well organized.

We, the undersigned, hereby ask the government in Cambodia to tackle the issue of dog meat and dog leather as soon as possible.

We firmly believe that animal welfare laws in this great country are needed in order to offer protection to the increased number of dogs that fall innocent victim of these ruthless traders hoping to make a quick buck.

Mahatma Ghandi once said that ‘the greatness of a nation can be judged by the way it treats its animals’. Cambodia must rise to the expectations and take immediate action to protect dogs all across its territory without delay.

Source: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=2a5_1424295861

Cambodian working in the dog meat / leather industry.
Dogs are boiled alive on the side of the road, in broad daylight.
The dogs are later used in the meat and leather industries.

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