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Stop the abuse of wild animals in circuses!

by Letha Vandyke on February 18, 2017

4.765 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 5.235 supporters

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Many people see circuses as a perfect form of entertainment and unwinding. However, few of us actually take a closer look at the circus industry, especially at the animals which are involved. Circus animals are forced to live a miserable life, all in the name of entertainment!

 Animals are routinely hit, pounded, left without food and water for days and forced to sit in miserable conditions. This is happening right here, in the United States, one of the most civilized countries in the world.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

To circus owners, these animals are only a way to gain profit, the people in charge could not care less about their welfare.

To become circus performers, the animals are taken away from their natural habitat and families since they are babies and forced to undergo never-ending training sessions, only to grow up and perform demeaning tricks to amuse masses.

This is not right! Ringling Bros. has announced it will no longer feature animals in their shows starting from 2017. Although it is an important step in the right direction, there are still many neglected animals in other US circuses.

Please see the footage attached to the petition to get a sense of what these helpless animals are going through almost each day. Do you think it is normal? Is this the way to treat an animal? This is not only bad and unacceptable treatment, it’s exploitation at its worst!

Please show your support to have wildlife animals banned from circus shows all over the United States and have these exploited animals sent back to their natural habitat or, if not possible, to a sanctuary where they can enjoy the rest of  their lives. We need all the support we can get, so please take a moment to join this very important campaign.

Boycott circuses and help free the animals!

The difference between right and wrong
This is the training baby elephants receive at Ringling Brothers circus.
Even the owner of the circus where an elephant was whipped repeatedly by an employee claimed he was disgusted with the incident (screenshot from video)
Circus handler filmed hitting animals with a whip
Circus animals are subjected to a life no one should live.

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