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Yulin Dog Meat Festival starts in 3 days! 15, 000 dogs to be skinned and boiled alive – act now!

by Kiki Michel on June 17, 2017

19.878 NEEDED

TARGET 30.000 SIGNATURES 10.122 supporters

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Imperative action is needed to prevent the 2017 edition of the infamous Yulin Dog Meat festival from taking place. Please show your support, because the dogs of Yulin need us more than ever!


Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

What Is The Yulin Lynchee Dog Meat Festival?

It is a gruesome event that takes place in the southern city of Yulin, in the Guangxi province of China. It starts on June 21st (the day of the summer solstice) and ends on June 30. June 21st also marks the end of the dog eating summer season. Over 15, 000 dogs are expected to be eaten at this year’s edition of the festival, most of them strays or stolen pets. Contrary to popular belief, the festival only started in the 1980s, when such types of canine banquests were promoted by dog meat vendors and approved by authorities.

Is The Festival Still Taking Place This Year?

Sadly, the answer is YES. In May, the Yulin government allegedly informed local vendors that selling dog meat in the lead up to the summer solstice will be strictly prohibited. Anyone disobbeying the rules would face fines of up to $10, 000. Multiple activists confirmed that the ban had been issued to the vendors in downtown Yulin orally by leading city officials.

Residents were outraged by the fact that the government was trying to impose what food they should eat. Vendors themselves were livid after numerous Western media outlets picked up the story, claiming the festival will not take place. Facing a huge backlash, the government distanced itself from the alleged ban and refused to double down on the efforts to stop the festival. Yulin city officials wiped their hands clean on this matter, in other words. This year’s festival will therefore be business as usual for everyone in Yulin.


What Does Yulin Mean For The Dogs?

Yulin represents the most darkest nighmare possible for man’s best friend. Preparations for the festival start weeks ahead, as dogs from all over the country are rounded up and shipped to Yulin, most often crammed in trucks, with just enough room to breathe. Many dogs to not survive the harrowing journey, which can take up to three days. Upon their arrival in Yulin, vendors boil and skin them alive. Yulin residents claim they serve the best dog meat in the world. Their secret? They claim that the more the dogs are suffering, the better the meat tastes. The price of crispy dog meat in a restaurant is $10 per kilo (but can vary depending on demand), while in markets the price of uncooked dog meat is about $5 per kilo.


Why Can’t The Event Be Stopped?

According to Dr. Peter J Li, an expert on this matter, banning the festival is extremely complicated. The city of Yulin is spread out and composed of large rural areas; restricting what people eat is therefore hard to implement.  Furthermore, Dr. Li claims that it would be very difficult for the government to shut down the festival, because the livelihood of thousands of vendors would be affected; these vendors tend to be highly uneducated and unskilled former peasants. The government would have to provide them with a way of living – and authorities have yet to come up with a plan on this issue. Dr. Li hence believes that the government is waiting for the industry to slowly perish on its own – something that has not happened up to this point.

Call To Action

Let’s make one last push to ensure this cruel event does not take place. Dogs are truly man’s best friend, they have feelings, they can experience pain and suffering just as we humans do. Eating them is not the right approach, under any circumstances. Please sign and share the petition and let the Chinese authorities know that we competely disapprove of this festival and demand a total crackdown on dog meat in Yulin effective immediately.

World's biggest dog meat festival takes place in Yulin, southern China.
Thousands of dogs are shipped to Yulin from all over the country for this event.
Residents boast about cooking the best dog meat in the world.
Dogs are kept in cages before being roasted alive.
Inside the Yulin dog meat festival.
Dong Kou market, Yulin: Dogs stares at others hung up for sale.

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