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Petitioning Governor of Guangxi Autonomous Region – Chen Wu

Chinese dog meat festival starts in 7 days – help shut it down now!

by Mariah Dunning on June 13, 2017

25.029 NEEDED

TARGET 100.000 SIGNATURES 74.971 supporters

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The dog meat festival held in Yulin, southern China is the biggest in this world. It is due to start on June 21st, to mark the Summer Solstice and is expected to last for 10 days. Estimates indicate that over 10, 000 dogs will be sacrificed in the name of culinary tradition. I am asking each reader of this petition to kindly support my campaign; we must stand togher and prevent this inhumanity from taking place yet again!

Earlier this month, the Humane Society International had announced that Chinese authorities have agreed to impose a strict ban on dog meat during the festival – including fines of up to $10, 000 for those who refused to obey the law. Sadly, the information has proven to be a hoax. When asked about the Yulin dog meat festival, authorities claimed to have no idea about a proposed ban, arguing the festival will continue as normal. In an attempt to distance themselves from this gruesome event, authorities have claimed the festival does not even exist actually and have defined it as an informal gathering by people that share the same hobby (namely eating dog and cat meat)

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

Dogs sold for their meat at the Yulin festival are either strays or stolen pets. They are crammed into containers and forced to endure harrowing conditions on the way to Yulin (a trip that usually lasts a couple of days).  Many of the dogs do not make it out of there alive. Those lucky enough to survive the trip will die in the most inhumane ways possible.

This is the context in which this horrible event is taking place. The pain and suffering of man’s best friend is truly hard to describe. In fact, local traders boast about selling the best dog meat on Earth – their secret, making the dogs suffer as much as possible before boiling or skinning them alive, because, according to an ancient belief, the rush of adrenaline tends to soften the meat. In an interview with the Daily Mail, the owner of Yulin No1 Crispy Dog Meat Restaurant says its delicious dog dishes are internationally renewned; he hopes to break all sales records at this year's edition of the festival.

This festival is truly disgusting and should be banned forever. This event strikes me as a personal level. I have three dogs – all rescued – and they are like my family, I love them so much and would do anything to protect them.

Anyone that has the privilage of owning a dog knows about their kind and gentle nature. They are truly wonderful companions and indeed man’s best friend.

Let’s all unite in one last effort to tell the Chinese dogs are family, not food! Help shut down Yulin 2017 –please sign and share widely to show your support for dogs.

The dog meat festival is held in the southern city of Yulin - a region formed out of many rural areas.
Over 10, 000 dogs will be eaten at this year's edition.
Dogs being kept in cages, waiting to be sold to customers for their meat.
Defying all criticism, vendors are proud of the festival, calling it a global heritage.
Dog stew - one of the signature dishes at the Yulin No1 Crispy Dog Meat Restaurant

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