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Petitioning Ridwan Kamil – Mayor of Bandung

Close zoo where starving sun bears are eating their own waste to survive!

by Elaine Barbour on February 04, 2017

5.035 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 4.965 supporters

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Sun bears can be found in tropical forests in Southeast Asia. Although they have been classified as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, these gentle and majestic creatures are living the life no animal should be forced to live.

Due to massive deforestation, their suitable habitat has significantly declined over the past decades. Beside habitat loss, the Chinese are capturing these beautiful animals and holding them captive in order to extract their bile – believed to bring substantial health benefits. When no longer needed, they are tossed in the dumpster like some disposable object and left to perish in agony.

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Sun bears are also known as the honey bears, because their insatiable appetite for honeycombs and honey.

Sun bears are also captured and taken into zoos. While you might think at these facilities they are safe and looked after, none of these assumptions is actually true.

Just have a look what is going on at the Bandung Zoo, in Indonesia’s third largest city. Sun bears have been left without food and water for weeks. They are skinny and weak and visitors throw them junk food from time to time in an attempt to keep them alive. The situation has become so desperate, these animals are eating their own waste to try and survive. It was all captured in a recently uploaded-Youtube video.

This zoo is nothing short of a prison and it is truly appalling and outrageous what these animals are forced to go through.

Take action to save these bears and have them transported to a sanctuary where they can be properly taken care of!

Conditions at the zoo in Bandung are terrible and the authorities do not seem to care.
Sun bears are left without food and water for days and forced to eat their own waste in order to stay alive!
In another heartbreaking scene, visitors were feeding these helpless creatures bred crumbs.
Sun bears are also facing trouble in the wild as well, as deforestation has left them without a home.

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