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Petitioning Ma Ying-jeou – President of Taiwan

Demand justice for dog repeatedly hit with stick!

by Kerry Hammons on August 16, 2016

8.722 NEEDED

TARGET 40.000 SIGNATURES 31.278 supporters

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The shocking video of a man viciously attacking a harmless dog with a stick was posted on a Facebook page called ‘The Voice of Sya’.

The truly disturbing video shows how a poor excuse of a man enters a kennel holding what seems to be a huge stick in his hand, before launching a prolonged and merciless attack against a dog that was peacefully sitting in the left corner of the facility. The canine is powerless to escape, as he simply sits in a corner, howling in distress. Meanwhile, the person recording the scene spurs his friend on, instead of trying to stop him. Soft laughter can be heard in the background. To these monsters, making this poor dog suffer is some sort of a twisted joke and source of entertainment!

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

The pounding carries on for dozens of endless seconds. After the cries of pain can no longer be heard, the coward puts his stick down and walks away, with a smile on his face. The dog is no longer moving. I have not managed to find any updates, but it is doubtful this fragile creature survived this vicious attack.

The video turned viral soon after being uploaded online. Thousands of netizens expressed their disgust with the man’s actions and called for justice. The distressing footage was filmed in Taiwan. Despite the massive amount of attention this video garnered, the man’s indentity continues to remain unknown. No updates on a specific location where the incident unfolded have been made available either.

Unfortunately, chances of bringing this heartless man (a possible breeder) to justice are slim. While Taiwan does have animal protection laws in place – Taiwan Animal Protection Law, last reviewed in 2010 – law enforcement agencies rarely investigate such cases and penalties for harming animals are symbolic.

A meaningful reform is needed in Taiwan. First of all, it is imperative we make sure that more people are identified and charged. We therefore urge the authorities to consider creating special animal police patrols that would have the authoritiy to exclusively tackle such cases and ensure that all perpetrators are brought to justice in due time. Secondly, we demand tougher sentences for anyone convicted of cruelty to animals (penalties that should range  from steep fines to mandatory jail time, depending on the severety of the case).

Help make Taiwan a better place for animals by signing and sharing this petition below. No many sick perpetrators are getting away with it right now and the current system and laws definitely need to be reviewed. Thank you for support.

The attacker walks away with a smile on his face.
The dog is powerless to escape.
The dog is cowered in a corner as he is repeatedly hit with a stick.

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