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Petitioning Senior Inspector Of Andheri Police Station – P S Thorat

Fire cruel police officer that beat street dog until eye popped out!

by Elmer Voss on June 27, 2017

3.229 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 6.771 supporters

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A street dog that called home the New Police Quarters in Andheri, a suburb of Mumbai, India, was viciously pounded by a man believed to be a police officer. The dog was left blind in one eye after it popped out and had numerous other injuries on his body.

Animal rights group Save Our Strays was alerted about this shocking incident and took the distressed dog to a hospital. A complaint to the Adheri police station was also filed.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

A volunteer of the group, Shirley Menon, describes the incident: ‘We were informed by local residents about a man that lost his temper inside the police residential quarters and started hitting a stray dog with a stick. He also seems to have tried to choke it. Concerned witnesses tried to intervene, but the heartless man managed somehow to lock himself with the animal inside the toilet and continued the abuse’

Finally, the dog managed to escape and ran away towards the local train station in a desperate attempt to get rid of the attacker.

The dog is still pretty much in shock and he is now being closely monitored by vets with the Save Our Strays association.

Activists with the grup believed that the attacker did everything in his power to destroy the animal – who was left with his eye hanging out of its socket and multiple fractures.

The attacker has been identified as Mukesh Dev (photo on the left).

Urge the local authorities to prosecute this man to the fullest extent and ask them not to turn a blind eye on this case simply because a police officer was involved. There is absolutely no justification for these actions carried out against a defenseless animal and Andheri police must set an example and show everyone that no one is above the law.

Please take action and demand justice for this helpless creature. This man needs to handed the maximum penalty and never be allowed to wear a police uniform again!

The attacker - law enforcement officer Mukesh Dev
The victim - a harmless stray dog.
The revolting incident took place in a suburb of Mumbai, India.

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