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Petitioning Wu Zhenglong – Jiangsu Province Governor

Shut down zoo where live donkey was fed to hungry tigers!

by Celeste Radford on June 10, 2017

16.532 NEEDED

TARGET 20.000 SIGNATURES 3.468 supporters

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A shocking video where keepers at a Chinese zoo are pushing a donkey into a pond filled with tigers has sparked massive outrage on social media.

The appalling incident took place at the Changzhou zoo in eastern China. The terrified donkey can be seen clinging to his life, as a group of people dressed in raincoats push the animal down a ramp that leads directly to the tiger compound. Zookeepers showed absolutely no compassion as they sentenced the donkey to a horrible suffering.

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It is not long before the tigers gather around and start feeding off the donkey, who stands no chance of survival. In just moments, the predators devour their lunch as shocked passers by record the scene with their mobile phones.

According to the witnesses, the entire donkey was eaten by the tigers in just half an hour. Can you imagine what that donkey was forced to endure? His pain and suffering are really hard to put into words.

According to several reports that surfaced online, the donkey was tossed in the moat filled with tigers in order to impress an investor – it still is unclear what the outcome of the meeting with the investor was.

We, the undersigned, demand that the Changzhou zoo is immediately shut down on a permanent basis and all animals are relocated to a sanctuary, where they can live the rest of their lives in peace. It is clear that this zoo has the slightest preocupation for animal welfare and the safety of its inhabitants. Those animals remain in danger as long as they continue to be confined in that zoo. We cannot allow this situation to continue.

Please take action now and help put this terrible zoo out of business. No animal should be allowed to suffer like this harmless donkey was.

News Source: The Daily Mail

The donkey tries to resist, but is pushed into the moat anyway.
The tigers devour their prey in just a matter of minutes.
The helpless donkey has no chance of escaping.
Visitors pulled out their phones and started recording the disturbing scene.

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