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Petitioning Horacio Rodríguez Larreta – Mayor of Buenos Aires

Help pregnant dog tossed on the streets and left to fend for herself!

by Maynard Larson on October 11, 2016

8.448 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 1.552 supporters

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This heartbreaking photo appeared in my Facebook newsfeed recently and I felt I had to take action to help this sweet angel and others like her.

This dog was tossed on the streets of Geli, in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area and left to fend for herself. She was close to becoming a walking skeleton if a concerned passer-by had not intervened. It is unclear for how much time the female dog had been on the streets, but she was extremely grateful to be rescued. She was taken to the Cruz Violeta veterinary clinic (125 Vince Damonte Str, Gerli) where it was discovered she will be having a baby. The stray dog is now in the safe hands of local volunteers, who are looking to provide her with a loving and caring home (on a permanent basis).

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

While I am extremely happy about this story, it is important to understand that not so many dogs are as like as this female bulldog.

The streets of Buenos Aires are filled with stray dogs, either abanboned by their owners or born and raised on the streets. Their plight is hard to describe in words: they have no proper shelter and finding adequate food and water is a daily struggle. Not many survive these difficult conditions and end up like the dog in the photo. Volunteers are doing a truly remarkable job in trying to rescue as many dogs as possible, but their resources are limited and without the help from local authorities, saving the strays of Buenos Aires will prove almost impossible.

The authorities have yet to come up with a plan to tackle this situation. The plight of these innocent animals must end as soon as possible, because no living soul deserves to have this grim fate.

Please take action and urge the municipality of Buenos Aires to provide a better life for these forgotten souls. The people in power must implement spay and neuter campaigns (a very effective method to control the dog population), build modern shelters to house the dogs and implement adoption schemes. These dogs deserve a chance to a normal, decent life.

Please sign and share the petition to pursue the authorities to take action for the strays of Buenos Aires.

Source: Facebook

Buenos Aires: The story of a stray dog that waited 6 months outside a hotel for air hostess to return has made international headlines.
Stray dogs roaming across Buenos Aires. Help provide them a better life!

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