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Petitioning Mauricio Macri – President of Argentina

Justice For Luz – gentle puppy skinned alive by cruel thugs!

by Melissa Landry on January 12, 2017

12.548 NEEDED

TARGET 20.000 SIGNATURES 7.452 supporters

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Just the other week I came across a petition about a harmless puppy named Chocolate that had been skinned alive and left to die on the streets of Cordoba, Argentina. A sad update indicated that the puppy  died, after days of tremendous pain and suffering. A hefty reward is being offered for anyone coming forward with information on this matter, but police currently have no leads and the investigation has reached a stall. Protesters have taken to the streets both in Cordoba and Buenos Aires, demanding justice for Chocolate.

The other day, I came across a similar case which took place in 2010. Spike, an adored pet dog, was found skinned alive in his neighborhood. The pooch was found in a pool of blood, barely alive. He was rushed to the hospital, but vets were unable to save his life. Like in Chocolate's case, it was ruled intentional.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

This morning, I ran across another similar case, which unfolded in 2012. Luz, a one-year-old female puppy, was discovered with her fur ripped apart at the outskirts of Buenos Aires, the capital city. Luz was taken in by animal rights group PRO.DE.A. and rushed to a hospital. Vets were shocked to see the state of health the puppy was in; they concluded that the incident was intentional, which means that someone skinned this puppy alive and left her to die. The first days at the hospital were critical for Luz’s survival. Her condition was extremely bad, but the little dog was a fighter and pulled off a miraculous recovery. Luz has managed to put this inhumane abuse behind her; she has since been rehomed and is now looked after by a lovely and caring family. Unfortunately, despite intense media coverage, the perpetrator was never apprehended.

This is the reason why I decided to set up this petition. Not only wasn’t Luz’s attacker brought to justice, but a case with the same method of operation was allowed to unfold again, which proves that a deep and meaningful animal welfare reform needs to get underway in Argentina as soon as possible.

I have also discovered that cases of animal abuse have become all too common in Argentina, however, very few cases have a positive outcome and attackers are either never brought to justice or end up walking away with a slap on the wrist.

Argentina does have animal welfare laws in place (law no. 14 346). The problem is that the law was adopted in 1954 and only contains symbolic penalties for cases involving cruelty to animals. In 2014, Argentina received a D out of possible grades A, B, C, D, E, F, G on World Animal Protection's Animal Protection Index.

We owe it to Luz, Chocolate, Spike and all other innocent animals abused in Argentina to plead our demands to the authorities. We, the undersigned, hereto demand a review of the law 14 346 that will impose mandatory jail time for anyone convicted of cruelty to animals. In addition, we strongly feel that setting up Animal Police squads that patrol the most important cities in the country and assist the animals in need and tackle exclusively animal abuse cases would also be a highly benefical measure to make Argentina a better place for animals.

Please show your support for this petition and demand better conditions for animals in Argentina! 

Read more about the current animal welfare law Argentina here:


You can read more about Spike's case here:


This is how Luz was found on the streets near Buenos Aires.
The one-year-old female puppy had been skinned alive and left to die.
After weeks of treatment, Luz recovered and has since been re-homed.
A similar cases unfolded recently. Chocolate, a harmless puppy, was found skinned alive in Cordoba.
Despite the best medical care, Chocolate did not resist and sadly passed away.

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