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Petitioning Judge Martín Marcovesky

Justice for Milagros – punish cop that shot mother dog and her babies!

by Bertram Bernard on May 21, 2017

6.507 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 3.493 supporters

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The dog in the photo was viciously shot by a police officer that deemed this helpless dog as a threat. Milagros, a nursing mother, was attending her babies when she was attacked on the streets of Nruquén, Argentina. To the dismay of the entire country, the perpetrator was actually someone that was supposed to have been protecting her: a police officer. Witnesses said that that the mother dog attemped to bite the police officer’s dog, which prompted the officer of the law to retaliate in this vicious and completely out of line way.

The mamma dog was immediately taken to a clinic in Cinco Saltos. Vets were simply shocked to see the dog arrive in such poor state of health. They did everything in their power to stabilize her, they even managed to undergo surgey a 6-hour surgery and reconstruct her jaw, after her tongue had been split in several parts. Veterinarian Federico Lopez refused to take any money for this procedure, he did for the love of animals. Unfortunately, dr. Lopez and his team were unable to save one of her eyes. Her babies also arrived in very fragile state. The fog was named Milagros (micracle in Spanish), because no one expected her to survive the cowardly and senseless attack.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

Despite receiving intense medical treatment, Milagros’ body gave up the fight after a few days. At about the same time, her babies also passed away, leaving many people with a broken heart.

The attacker has been identified as Maximiliamo Mellado, 26. He has been suspended and charged with animal neglect. Colleagues claim Mellado was an honest and decent police officer and cannot explain his gesture.

Mellado skipped both his first and second hearing, which prompted Judge Martin Marcovesky to issue an arrest warrant on Mellado’s name. However, when authorities raided his home, they were informed by his mother that her son was no longer living at address. The phone number provided by her mother was disconnected.

Right now, Mellado’s whereabouts are unknown. He took the high road, proving once again to the entire world he is nothing but a coward.

Please do not let the authorities sweep this case under the rug. Milagros and her babies deserve justice. There is absolutely nothing that can justifiy this senseless and cowardly attack and we hope the police officer will be held accountable.

This is Milagros, an innocent victim.
Milagros was rushed to the hospital, but died after a few days.

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