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Petitioning Julio Zamora – Intendente de Tigre

Justice for dog dragged behind vehicle for miles and left to die in the street!

by Dinah Adamson on September 21, 2016

2.414 NEEDED

TARGET 5.000 SIGNATURES 2.586 supporters

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Please support this campaign to make sure justice is done for this helpless creature that passed away in tremendous suffering. It happened in broad daylight, in front of shocked and powerless witnesees. We demand an investigation into this matter and hope the perpetrators will be brought to justice as soon as possible.

Startled witnesses spotted a dog being dragged around behind a car in the Don Turcuato area of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The driver had tied the pooch with a rope, which eventually broke. The dog was consequently tossed on the side of the road, close to Emilio La Marca street, and simply left to die. Passers by took photos for evidence and called the emergency teams, but by the time rescuers arrived it was too late. The dog was left with an open, nasty wound that proved too painful. That poor animal did not stand a chance in front of his attacker(s).

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

Unfortunately, there is no additional information about the perpetrator – i.e. his name or the car model his was driving, but the area must have been equipped with CCTV cameras that need to be reviewed urgently.

No animal deserves this treatment, no matter what the circumstances are. What could have this helpless animal possibly have done to deserve this?

Please show your support so an investigation can get underway as soon as possible. We will not accept that this case will be swept under the rug; this terrible situation cannot be overlooked and the perpetrators must be held accountable for their deeds before they strike once again.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1731822300413629&id=100007576275018&__mref=message_bubble

The dog was left to die in the middle of the street.
The incident took place in the Don Turcuato area in Buenos Aires.
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