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Petitioning Walter Caveanha – Mayor of Mogi Guaçu

Justice for dog thrown on the street and left without food and water for weeks!

by Josie Louis on March 10, 2017

6.420 NEEDED

TARGET 20.000 SIGNATURES 13.580 supporters

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This angel was discovered on the streets of Mogi Guaçu, in the state Brazilian state of Sao Paolo. As you can see in the photo, he is extremely malnourished and has wounds all over his fragile body.

Dozens of people passed-by this poor creature but did not bother to intervene. A Good Samaritan noticed the helpless dog fighting for his life and decided to call for help. Volunteers with the Anjos de Focinho organization rushed to the scene and took the dog to the hospital.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

Vets were simply shocked to see the dog’s state of health – the dog was so emaciated he wasn’t able to stand on his own feet. Vets are confident that after a long treatment the dog will be able to recover and  eventually be placed for adoption.

Sadly, this is just one of the many cases of animal neglect involving stray dogs in Mogi Guaçu. We, the undersigned, hereby urge the authorities to implement humane solutions to help the animals in need before it’s too late – we demand the implementation of spay-and-neuter schemes to help keep the population under control; building of modern shelters to house the animals in need must also be considered, as well as publicly funded health assistance for the wounded animals.

Too many dogs have suffered in Mogi Guaçu. Do not remain indifferent and help provide them with a better life!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/anjosdefocinhosmogiguacu/posts/724624684362322

This angel was discovered on the streets of Mogi Guaçu, Brazil.
The dog was so emacited he was unable to stand on his own feet.
Vets hope the dog will make a full recovery.

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