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Petitioning Hassan Rohani - President of Iran

Justice for fox hung from tree and left to die!

by Eustace Mckenzie on September 04, 2016

17.485 NEEDED

TARGET 20.000 SIGNATURES 2.515 supporters

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The sight of this defenseless animal being severely mistreated by a group of people with no conscience  just makes my blood boil. The shocking footage was posted on Facebook. The author – not involved in this case whatsoever, posted the disturbing images to raise awareness on the plight of the animals in Iran.

The footage shows a fox being sprung up in the tree with a rope. It is barely alive as the attackers find it amusing to poke it several times with a stick and record the scene. The video lasts for about 2 minutes, but who knows how much time this really went on?

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

Foxes are one of nature’s most majestic creatures. To see such a beautiful animal in this state is outrageous and unaccetapble.

Unfortunately, the person that uploaded the video provided very little details of the whereabouts or the attacker’s identities. All is known up to this point is that this regrettable incident took place in Iran.

I am extremely disappointed to learn about this case – given the fact that the international community has just lifted a years-long trade ban on Iran, and the country announced it will embrace Western values and is ready to do business with all the interested parties. I would have imagined that the people of Iran would be more considering and thoughtful with animals, now that the country is moving toward a better direction. This, obviously, did not happen.

Unfortunately, this is just one of the hundreds of latest incidents in which innocent animals have been getting hurt in Iran. For instance, in a shocking Facebook video, a man filmed himself while going stray dog hunting. Another owner recorded a video in which he hung a puppy. Last but not least, a viral video posted on social media shows a teenager callously kicking and leaving a dog hung from a pole. In neither of these cases have the attackers been brought to justice. 

Besides the staggering lack of interest shown by law enforcement agencies towards cases involving cruelty to animals, it is worth noting the inhumane treatment applied by public authorities to animals: for instance, officials in the city of Shiraz have been injecting stray animals with poison, in a daunting attempt to clean up the streets. In spite massive protests, the inhumane process has continued unabiased. Similar campaigns have been carried out in Tehran, the capital city, as well.

Help put a stop to this never ending abuse to animals. Support animal righs laws in Iran and help make this great country a better place for animals! Make it illegal to hurt an animal in any way and impose strict penalties for those who do not comply!

The helpless fox was hung from a tree and left to die.
The attackers recorded the scene and posted the footage on social media.
In another shocking case, a man hung his dog and filmed the entire scene. The footage went viral on social media. Activists rescued the dog, but the attacker was left off the hook.
In another shocking case, a man hung his dog and filmed the entire scene. The footage went viral on social media. Activists rescued the dog, but the attacker was left off the hook.
This is the stray dog hunter. He never punished for his actions.

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