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Justice for monkey repeatedly hit by handler at cruel circus!

by Charla Martel on February 19, 2017

4.397 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 5.603 supporters

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The shocking video has been circulating on Facebook for a while, but neither the uploader or the people that have been interacted with the post have managed to provide details concerning the location and name of the circus where this happened.

The video shows an inconsiderate handler repeteadly pounding and slapping a defenseless monkey on leash, as the animal cowers in fear.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

Such treatment perfectly illustrates why circuses should be a thing of the past. These animals belong in their natural habitat, not spending their days in small cages and forced to berform degrading tricks so people can be entertained.

Unfortunately, basic information – such as the place where this took place or when the video was filmed – still remain unkown. This is why I am asking for help from all of you kind people out there, and your contribution is essential to this matter.

The trainer in the video needs to be identified, fired and never be allowed to work with animals again and the entire circus must be shut down as soon as possible. Such behavior should not be tolerated in nowaday’s world, where compassion and kidness should prevail.  Justice must be done in this matter!

Please show your support and denounce this person to PETA and INTERPOL and urge them to investigate.

Use the links below to report and then fill in the forms. Thank you!

Report to INTERPOL: http://www.interpol.int/Contact-INTERPOL

Report to PETA: http://www.peta.org/about-peta/contact-peta/report-cruelty/

The defenseless monkey is slapped several times without remorse.
The monkey has no way of escaping.
The fear can be read in the poor monkey's eyes.
Help denounce this cruel trainer!

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