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by Alexis MaryJane Macias on September 09, 2016

9.849 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 151 supporters

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There is another petition out attempting to punish a young man named Jalen Harris. He posted a video to his instagram account that was believed to be him. After seeing this petition I took to his account to see justice for the cat. After speaking with him he told me the person in the video was not him and provided me with a screenshot of a link to the real persons profile. 

This new petition is to clear Jalen Harris of these accusations and place them on the real perpetrator who's name is Jacquese Damier Evans. He also goes by the nickname of 'lowlife, ' a very fitting name. This lowlife is the real person in the video punching the cat. Jalen simply posted the video to his instagram attempting to show the world his disbelief, but many took it the wrong way, thought it was him and put the bad name on him. The person we should be after is Jacquese.

Jacquese Damier Evans is from Newark, Delaware. According to his Facebook, he attended Christiana High School and is a college student at Wisconsin University. Also according to his Facebook, he is doing this for his father. From the screenshot sent to me by Jalen Harris, the video was originally posted to Jacquese's Facebook account where it first started to circulate the internet. The video was quickly deleted after backlash but many saved it while it was still up. 

Here is the link Jalen sent me: https://www.facebook.com/yoon.green.5/videos/1096390490398821/

The video can be seen on the link above.

I am urging the police department of Newark, Delaware to find Jacquese and punish him for the abuse of innocent animals. Jacquese was in clear and blatant violation of United States Animal Laws. Delaware has present animal cruelty laws placed as a Class A misdemeanor or a Class F felony. Their cruelty laws state "(3) “Cruel” includes every act or omission to act whereby unnecessary or unjustifiable physical pain or suffering is caused or permitted.
(4) “Cruel mistreatment” includes any treatment whereby unnecessary or unjustifiable physical pain or suffering is caused or permitted."  Jacquese was clearly in violation of these laws. He cannot get away with this and we cannot allow the blame to be put on the wrong person. I also urge all to share this petition and bring justice to that poor defenseless cat.

Please everyone report him to Delaware Office of Animal Welfare at 302-255-4620 and please report him to Delaware police.

His Instagram account is @juggboy.quese

The link to Jacquese's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009257901271

The link to the false petition against Jalen: https://www.dailypetition.com/Punish-teenager-that-punched-cat-to-impress-Instagram-followers-t-239

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