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Punish city workers that poured hot tar over two dogs for fun!

by Vivian Bueno on June 14, 2018

2.566 NEEDED

TARGET 5.000 SIGNATURES 2.434 supporters

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These photos were taken by a local rescue group that was called out to help two dogs in distress. Some heartless city workers had poured hot tar over these pooches and left them near the street, to suffer all by themselves.

After receiving a tip, volunteers wit the Sky Foundation managed to rescue the dogs and bring them to safety. The canines, dubbed Ada and Ava, are now out of harm’s way.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

Members of the rescue group then went straight to the local police to file a complaint about this outrageous incident. To their utmost dismay, the on-duty officer told volunteers he has no intention of wasting his time on this case because bringing justice to animals in not important. Volunteers had nothing else to do but return home; they posted this message on social media calling for justice, adding that they never felt so much hate before.

This incident took place in the city of Iasi, in the eastern part of Romania. The Sky Foundation has been doing a remarkable job helping the animals in distress, but now they need our help, from people all over the world.

Help gather as many signatures as possible and demand true justice for Ada and Ava. Demand a prompt and compelling investigation and ensure those heartless city workers will lose their jobs and disciplinary sanctions will be taken against the police officer who refused to do his job!

Heartless city workers pour hot tar over two dogs.
Ada and Ava, the two innocent dogs involved in this incident
Volunteers went to the police station, but were told that officers will not waste their time with this issue.

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