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Petitioning Galal Mostafa Saeed - Governor of Cairo

Paralyzed dog is left to die on the streets with no help! Act Now To Save Him!

by Cherise Craig on March 08, 2017

2.979 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 7.021 supporters

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The video about a dog left with serious injuries roaming on the streets of Cairo, Egypt, has surfaced recently. The video was posted by Facebook user Hersham Macgiver on his timeline.

Unfortunately, details are scarce. The caption attached to the video says that the dog was hit by a bus one month ago and underwent surgery. It is unclear what association performed the surgery and why the dog ended back on the streets in his condition. In addition, it is not yet known why the person who filmed the video did not call for help immediately.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

Regardless of the questions that need an answer, these are the conditions in which the stray dogs from Cairo have to live in. It is basically every dog for himself. The lucky ones are found by various animal welfare activists and are nursed back to health and rehomed, often abroad. The ones that are not so fortunate remain on the streets, where they perish. They struggle to find water and food on a daily basis and there is no one to provide for them. Unfortunately, this situation is encountered all across Egypt, not just in Cairo!

Authorities have yet to show the slightest interest of dealing with the stray dog problem. There is absolutely no management plan to deal with this situation. How can anyone justify the amount of neglect towards one of God’s creatures?

Things cannot continue as they are at the moment!

We, the undersigned, hereby ask for the authorities to stop poisoning dogs and implement humane methods to control the population; we also request the construction of modern shelters, where the street dogs can be housed and protected.

I am asking every compassionate person out there to take a moment and support this petition. We need an overwhelming support to show the authorities in Cairo that they need to take action as soon as possible and provide a better life for the strays, even tough times in the country are not that happy! The animals have just as many rights as we, humans, do!

Paralyzed dog left on the streets to die.
Hundreds of dogs are poisoned in Cairo each year.
Others are shot
Be a voice for the dogs of Cairo! Sign the petition now!

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