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Petitioning Sharda Raut – Office of the Supdt. of Police Palghar; Narendra Modi – Prime Minister of India

Prosecute man that run over stray dog as punishment for wetting on his car tyres!

by Marilynn Moses on October 27, 2016

36.888 NEEDED

TARGET 40.000 SIGNATURES 3.112 supporters

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A shocking video of a harmless stray dog being run over with a car on purpose has emerged online. The appalling incident took place on the streets of Vasai, India. Please show your support and demand justice for Bandya the dog!

This incident is just one of the latest shocking cases of cruelty to animals that have recently unfolded in India. The CCTV cameras show how the driver runs over the sleeping stray dog intentionally – even though the driver saw the poor dog, he did not hesitate to simply run him over with a red Hyundai Xcent vehicle. All of this was an act of revenge because the stray had allegedly wetted the driver’s vehicle earlier that day.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

The cruel driver has been identified as Saurabh Dukhande. Desperate passers-by urged the man to take the dog to a clinic, but Dukhande refused and drove off like the coward he is. Fortunately, the dog was rushed to a nearby veterinarian and is now receiving medical attention for his broken spine.

When confronted by critics online, Dukhande showed absolutely no remorse about what he had done, claiming that the dog ‘had it coming’.

Unfortunately, cruelty to animals in India carries symbolic penalties – such as a 50 Rupee (0.75 USD) fine. Without tougher animal welfare laws, it will be impossible to punish heartless people like Saurabh Dukhande.

Please support the petition and pursue the government to change the law and implement tougher penalties for cruelty to animals: we demand the raise of monetary fines as well as mandatory jail time for anyone found guilty of hurting an animal. This is the only way to contain the rampant mistreatment of innocent dogs that has hit India like a plague in the recent months.

Demand justice for Bandya and sign the petition now!

News Source: India Times

The disturbing incident occurred on the streets of Vasai, north of Mumbai, India.
The entire scene was captured on CCTV camera.
The dog suffered a broken spine.
Saurabh Dukhande - the perpetrator

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