No more using our animals in your Labs for the need of pills to help human being, our law's need to be stronger for animal abuse, we must have zero tolerance for animal abuse, if we do this will make a change for the better of all, we need animals for our enforcement, our hero's to teach us love, gives us balance and richness to our world
I'm asking you to pass a law for tougher sanctions against cruelty to animals and stop using them in laboratories. With the technological resources at our disposal, we don't need to hurt them.
Please take action now and demand a zero policy towards animal testing in the United States and tougher laws against abusing our voiceless friends!
Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this petition are those of the author (Wendy DeRozario-Rocchio) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of or any of its affiliates.