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Petitioning Facebook

Punish owner that cruelly shaved cat and bragged about it online!

by Doretta Small on December 14, 2016

6.811 NEEDED

TARGET 10.000 SIGNATURES 3.189 supporters

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I came across this absolutely disturbing photo in my Facebook newsfeed and I am just stunned at what some people are capable of. It’s just horrible to envision this infinite cruelty that is unfolding in our world. The photo originated from a newly created Facebook page which apparently hates cates and posts photos of cats being harmed and mistreated.

The page’s name is ‘Odio a los gatos’ (‘I hate cats’ in Spanish). There are some mean, nasty photos on that page. As in other troll attempts, most likely the photos where taken from the web and dropped there, to incite animal lovers like myself and force people to turn against their beloved cats.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

I am truly disgusted by such practices and I hereby demand that Facebook removes this page as soon as possible. It has nothing to do with the idea of social media and definitely hampers the user experience that Facebook has always vowed to improve. If someone doesn’t like cats, it’s their choice, but this does not mean they should go around abusing them!

‘My great magnificence and infinite wisdom allows me to know that cats are the trash of this planet’, reads a quote posted on the page’s timeline. Admins of the page also nonchalantly encourage people to poison their cats and even give useful tips on how to do it.

At this point, this page is still online, despite the fact that many people have criticized its existence.

Please take action and urge Facebook to take immediate action and have this ignorant page removed, before more people are incited by the tips and more cats get hurt. 

One of the terrible photos posted on the page's timeline.
Page admins also give tips on how to effectively poison cats.
The page is entitled 'Odio los gatos'.

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