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Petitioning Javier González Mocken – Municipal president, Ciudad Juárez

Terminate police officer that hung dog on washing line and smiled for photo!

by Jed Gipson on October 01, 2016

17.705 NEEDED

TARGET 20.000 SIGNATURES 2.295 supporters

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This poor excuse of a man took it upon himself abuse his dog and make fun of it. He put his pet on a clothing line and posed for photos with a big smile on his face. Please help me bring justice to that helpless animal!

It seems that the man in the photo works as a police officer for the city of Juárez, in Northern Mexico. After he was done mistreating his pet, he took to social media to upload the photos and brag about what he had accomplished that day. In the pictures, you can clearly see him smiling and enjoying every moment of it. As soon as the critics poured in, he deleted the photos and terminated his account and has gone into hiding – proving only that he is a coward. Unfortunately, his name has not been released to the public on the flyer that is currently being shared, but a clear photo of the man’s face has been made available. Please scroll below to view it – you will also notice that he is dressed in police uniform.

Exclusive: Punish thugs that cut dog’s ears off and posed for photos!

This man is a disgrace and should not be allowed to wear a badge again. What kind of a responsible, sane police officer does that to a harmless dog? Does he mistreat the K-9 dogs that are at police’s disposal when he is looking for a thrill?

Help me get this man to justice. Share his face around so everyone knows what he has been up to and urge the local officials to investigate and immediately impose harsh disciplinary sanctions – we want him out of the police unit, no questions asked! 

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1077647665629884&set=o.1573244492974218&type=3&theater 

This is the original flyer that is circulating on social media.
This is the face of the poor excuse of a police officer.
Should a police officer behave this way?
The man is having a good laugh about it.

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